YES!!! It is I, David Beckhams perfect double 'Albertus Cranklemanglewursle'.
(Well almost a double - I'm wearing white undies but thought better of the neck tats.)
Anyway I've been allowed out on day release due to good behaviour....Nothings changed I'm still championing for nil G4 air pollution.!!!!plus encouraging the kids to abandon their electronic gadget addiction and embrase objects that can be touched and smelt and hurt if dropped on your toes!!!! And of course once in a while walk outside and breath some fresh air!!!!!!
Down in the warkkshop attention is once again focused on the Belgium Honda. Better get a shift on because Europe will soon be closed to anyone with a Blighty passport.....
Various CB72 wheels have been waiting patiently for the day they may turn again. I carefully reviewed the stock and 2 where chosen for their condition. Could say they had a distressed look....good job 'cause my intention is to rebuild with new spokes and rims. Shame to spoil half decent original stuff. Don't worry I will store the rusty spokes and rims in case next owner wants a barn fresh look.
Rusty treasure.
Going in with spoke key. Is nothing sacred?
The deed is done.....36 spokes placed in the rim 52 years ago by one of Soichiro Honda's employees are now wondering what they have done wrong.....Long service accounts for nuffin' these days
No worries, Soichiro looks pleased. (Probably doesn't know) (yet)
Hey, nearly lost track of time, It's flagon o'clock....wheres Posh? Feeling thirsty isn't good for Superheros.....Quick bring me a couple of large ones before my clacker dries up....