Greetings, it is me....Albert Crackleport....starting on a project of national importance. Maybe slightly less on the scale of pushing the button to nuke the guy with the chubby cheeks and silly haircut in North Korea but pretty damn important anyhow.
The news was broken on the previous post by the Belgium Connection of Oilyracer last week.
Yep, gonna build me a Honda CB72 out of parts. Indeed these parts have been stored for over 40 years.......Phuffgg, in fact don't know if they are all the same bike originally but sure as hell gonna look pretty sweet when completed ( hopefully
Why..???? This collection of treasure is going into action.....mission yet unknown....destination...???? .Belgium.....that's all I know....
(Maybe beer will be involved..???? Maybe cheese with a sprinkling of celery salt..???....who knows....???? Preparation for the inevitable will be the key, originality and the counting of rivets secondary)
Gonna start hunting the parts for this project right way......they are all about somewhere, just a case of remembering.
Box 1....Lot's of oily containers full of nuts, bolts, screws, a 50 year old headlamp with wonderful patina'd chrome and a couple of footrest brackets...phew....TREASURE...!!!
Not sure you know Posh on this blog.....She's my obedient beer pourer...fully trained in popping the cork when the excitement reaches a suitable level....
POSH ! Pop ya cork, this box is a beaut!
Keep ya all posted...!