Hear ye! Hear ye! Calling all brothers of the Oilyracer. I bring news.
Yes, people, it is I. Alberto Crackleportos. Spreading words through digital airways.
The tie is down. The Pudsey Grammar tie is once more safely rolled up along with my gym shorts waiting for the next call of duty.
Rest easy tonight for the deed is done. Good has triumphed over the Dark Side.
Although the final royal seal has not been stamped I feel in my waters that the end is upon us.
I have a letter from Insurncio Lowlifeio - One word stand out amongst the dribble.-
Albert we are sorry..........................................
Crikey 'O' Riley. Tickle me Timbers me hearties for that is indeed worth a chest full 'o' treasure.....'O' 'R'
Hell........suddenly I'm a pirate on't high seas........................'O' 'R'
Stop, this is serious.
Rest easy friends, the campaign is no more. Enjoy Wednesday evening like I have.
Celebrate with much quoffing of the alcohol goodness. I have done much damage to the cider stocks in 'The Old Sidevalve bAR'............#